Announcements St. Alex Church Calangute – 7th May 2023

  1. Today , Youth for Christ are having their meeting at 10.30am.
  2. Today, Feast of St. Ana’s Chapel, Baga at 9.30 am.
  3. Today, Feast of Holy Cross, Agarvaddo, at 9.00 am
  4. On 9th May 2023, Feast of St. Peter’s Chapel, Tivai Vaddo at 9.30 am.
  5. On 10th May 2023, Feast of Holy Cross Chapel , Umtavaddo (Khapri Khuris) at 5 pm.
  6. On the 13th and 14th of May 2023, The Parish Youth of Calangute is Organizing “Kongottkarancho Avaz”. Last practice for those participating for the same on the 11th of May 2023 at 4pm.
  7. Tomorrow is the Alter servers picnic. Those who have given the names, please be present on time. Bus will leave at 8.30am.
  8. Today, general Body meeting of the Communidade of Calangute at 10 am at the Calangute Communidade Office.
  9. We have begun booking of the masses in our church office.
  10. Niches can be now bought to keep the mortal remains of your departed family members.
  11. On the 13th of May 2023 as we will be celebrating the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima. This year those whose names are Francisco, Francis, Francisca, etc. are requested to come forward to celebrate this feast. There will be a meeting on the 8th of May 2023 at 6pm for al those who have given names.
  12. 13th of May 2023(Saturday), we celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima at 4.30 pm. The mass will be offered by the newly Ordained priest, Fr. Movin Fernandes. On that day, there won’t be a Saturday evening service at 6 pm.
  13. 18th May 2023 is Our Adoration Day. Whole of our parish will be spending a day in thanksgiving to Almighty God.
  14. 13th May 2023, Feast of Our Lady of Fatima Chapel Madda Vaddo at 9.30am